
Secured, Intrusion Proof, Conference-Ware

Meet in complete privacy!

To Pay for Existing Live Rooms & Upgrades ~ OR ~ Purchase Webcasts/Direct Promo Mailings


NOTICE: There will be a $50.00 Change Fee for changes submitted after payment has been processed & work has been already completed — Revisit this page to send in your fee to process the change(s).

About Us

Legacy Software

At Conferdence we support our clients, some of which have been with us over 15 years. We're always open to new ideas as well, so feel free to write us with your vision for secure web conferencing & webinars held in HiPPA level encrypted secured virtual venues.

Personal Support - Friendly, Competent & Timely

Quality Backed for Years

The world of technology can be fast-paced and scary. That's why our goal is to provide a high-quality product that aligns with your company's needs. No matter the budget, we pride ourselves on providing professional customer service. We guarantee you will be satisfied with our work.

§ Testimonials — Real Emails — from REALLY Satisfied Clients or THEIR CLIENTS §


❝Thank you for ALL you do to help make my business grow. I ALWAYS appreciate you and your hard work ethic, even on weekends. I would recommend you highly to anyone needing your services.❞

» Bill B. Owner & President of

Hey Mike,

(FWD to ME FROM: Room Owner & Co-Trader Trainer @

❝What amazing customer support Cathy provided! 5 out of 5!❞

» Hussein A.

Hi Cathy,

(Trader in the Elite Trade Room)

❝Thanks so much for calling me today. Terrific customer service — So fast, too!❞

» Neville M.

Hi Cathy,

(Trader in the Live Trade Room)

❝Thank you for the help yesterday...I am not very computer literate and struggle with some of this stuff — (a generational thing). You made it so easy. Have a great weekend!❞

» Steve B

Hi Again Cathy,

(Trader in the Elite Trade Room)

❝Thank you for your expert help this morning Cathy! Much appreciated❞

» Rudy Z.


(Room Owner of the Live Trade Room)

❝Thank you once again — and on your Saturday too — You rock, we're so lucky to have you❞

» Mike (AKA GSP)